Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is the standard in community-driven enterprise software. Java EE is developed using the Java Community Process, with contributions from industry experts, commercial and open source organizations, Java User Groups, and countless individuals. Each release integrates new features that align with industry needs, improves application portability, and increases developer productivity.
- Features of Java, Brief History, Flavors and on various Tiers, New Features 1.5 and 1.6
- JVM Architecture, services and Limitations
- Types Primitives and Reference, Operators, Arrays and Command Line Arguments
- OOPs in Depth followed by Abstract classes and Interfaces
- Inner Classes, Packages and Access modifiers
- Exception Handling
- Multithreading
- IO Streams and File Handling
- Collections Framework and Generics
- java. Lang Package- String Handling, Wrapper Classes
- Building Desktop Applications- AWT , Event Handling and Layout Managers
- JFC Swing
- Network Programming
- Java beans and Reflection API
- Tools – javap, javadoc, javah, jar, javaw, jdb, jad
- Introduction to Database and Structured Query Language(SQL)
- JDBC Architecture, Features, Advantages, Driver Concept and Types
- JDBC API – Connection, Statement, Prepared and Callable, ResultSet, ResultSetMetaData
- Working with Dynamic Result Sets- Scrollable and Updatable, Rows Set Types
- Introduction to Multi-tier Architecture Web Applications, elements and Infrastructure
- Servlet Architecture, Life Cycle, Design Pattern and Thread safety
- Servlet Configuration, Context, Config, Request and Response Objects
- Significance of HTTP Headers in State Management – Cookie and Session Objects
- Servlet Collaboration - Inter-servlet Communication and Filters
- Why Java Server Pages (JSP), Architecture, Life Cycle and MVC 1 model
- Directives, Scripting Elements, Standard Actions MVC 2 model
- Developing re-usable Java free JSP ’s -JSTL Core and Custom Tag Development
- Web Application Security – Authentication and Authorization
- Web Servers/ Application Servers, Web Design Patterns
- XML, Writing DTD ’s, Parsers, DOM, SAX API’s